Leben durch dich: Tiefergehende Mechanik & Gameplay
Before the announcement of Life By You, Humble had made a commitment to develop a game with sophisticated gameplay mechanics, similar to those seen in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, both of which he had previously worked on. In an interview with PCGamesN, he stated, “I was eager to infuse a great deal of gameplay into the subject and genre I am exploring. My aspiration is that players will tinker with the mechanics and as they delve deeper, they will discover even more mechanics.”
During the Life By You unveiling, Paradox provided a glimpse into what these “deeper mechanics” will entail, which includes the feature of being able to instantly take control of any NPC. As Humble explained, “Each NPC’s memories, relationships, likes, dislikes, and belongings are all stored, and they abide by the same rules as you.”