Life By You: Character Customisation
A key element of the “Life by You” art style is character customization. Players can personalize their characters with distinct scars and tattoos, adjusting their placement, orientation, and size as desired.
Additionally, features like skin glossiness and wrinkles can be modified using sliders. Even the irises, pupils, and scleras can be individually tweaked, allowing for characters with heterochromia.
Every aspect of facial features is customizable through sliders. The team utilized weight painting to determine how parts of a face change based on slider adjustments. Though there are minor issues with the weight painting process, the team is pleased with the progress and believes they’re on the brink of perfecting facial customization.
Regarding hair texture, it’s essential for the “Life by You” art style to remain consistent with the game’s overall look, yet flexible enough for player personalization. The team is diligently refining aspects like hair shades, eyebrow design, and diverse hair textures. While the early access version will launch with a limited set of hairstyles, the art team anticipates introducing an expansive variety of distinctive styles in the future.